How to Soothe a Fussy Baby at Night!

  • Post category:Baby Products / Parenting
  • Post last modified:June 25, 2023
  • Reading time:9 mins read
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It’s midnight and you’re exhausted. You just googled how to soothe a fussy baby at night because you can’t think straight. You probably have a big presentation tomorrow at work and you need to get at least three hours of sleep tonight. Well I’ll get right to it, there are four things you need to remember when you have a baby that won’t stop fussing.

fussy baby at night
  1. Feed!
  2. Burp!
  3. Change!
  4. Sleep!

Start at #1 and work your way through the list, if you’re a pro at these items then read no further. If you need some help or ideas then read on and we’ll give you some tips and get your fussy baby back to sleep.

Feed a fussy baby at night

This starts at your bed time. Whether breast fed or formula you should have a bottle near your bedside. Ideally get a small college fridge for your bedroom. That way you won’t have to go far to get your bottle. Then use your baby bottle heater to warm up your bottle. Next feed the baby. Still crying? Go on to step #2.

Burp a fussy baby at night

When you have a fussy baby at night, the need to burp can often be the root of all fussiness. You need to become a pro at burping your baby. This will relieve a ton of fussing. Sometimes I’ll skip straight to burping when my baby is fussing. There are a lot of methods to burp a baby. However there is only one that is undefeated. Don’t waste your time putting the baby on your shoulder and patting their back. Watch this and move on to step 3 if needed.

Change a fussy baby at night

Now this is some change we can all believe in. First step go ahead and order a wipe warmer. I thought this was ridiculous, but ignore this advice at your own peril. Change a fussy baby with a cold wipe in the middle of the night and you’ll up the fussiness. Other than that get some good diapers and diaper rash cream. I like to keep some tissues at the changing table in order to dry after using the wet wipe.

Sleep a fussy baby at night

Now we’re talking back to sleep. Will need a couple items to get your tired baby back to dream land though. First baby swaddles, don’t waste your time trying to wrap your kid up in a blanket. They will get out, heck after a month they’ll get out of the velcro swaddles. But the swaddles are key for so many reasons, they’ll keep the baby warm and stop that startle reflex that wakes them up. Next up white noise, have some kind of white noise machine. You can buy one specifically for white noise or just use a fan like we do, but you need some kind of white noise to mimic the sounds the baby heard when he was in the womb. Finally a pacifier, the sucking motion relaxes the baby and helps them fall asleep. If you’re in a pinch you can always use what my five year old son calls “natures pacifier” AKA your pinkie finger.

How would ChatGPT soothe a fussy baby?

Soothing a fussy baby can be a challenging task that requires patience, understanding, and a bit of trial and error. When a baby is fussy, it’s their way of communicating their discomfort or needs. As a caregiver, your goal is to provide comfort and relief. Here are some techniques and tips to help soothe a fussy baby in more detail:

  1. Check for basic needs: Babies have a few primary needs that must be met to feel comfortable. First, ensure that the baby is not hungry. Hunger can often be a common cause of fussiness. Offer a feeding and observe if it helps calm the baby down. Similarly, check the baby’s diaper to make sure it’s clean and dry. A wet or soiled diaper can cause discomfort and fussiness. Additionally, make sure the baby isn’t too hot or too cold, as temperature regulation is crucial for their comfort.
  2. Comforting touch: Babies thrive on physical contact and reassurance. Gentle and rhythmic touch can have a calming effect. Hold the baby in your arms, cradling them close to your chest, and rock them gently back and forth. The motion mimics the sensations they felt in the womb and can help soothe them. You can also try placing the baby in a baby swing or rocking chair that provides a gentle, swaying motion. Some babies find comfort in being swaddled snugly in a blanket, as it provides a sense of security.
  3. White noise: White noise refers to a steady, continuous sound that masks other sounds and can help calm a fussy baby. It reminds them of the sounds they heard in the womb and creates a soothing environment. You can use a white noise machine specifically designed for babies or try alternatives such as playing soft music, using a fan, or even running a vacuum cleaner or a faucet. Experiment with different sounds to see what works best for your baby.
  4. Sucking motion: Babies have a natural instinct to suck, and it can be a soothing and calming action for them. Offering a pacifier can provide the baby with a satisfying sucking motion. If breastfeeding, nursing can also be a way to comfort and soothe the baby. The sucking action releases endorphins, which can help relax and calm them. Some babies may prefer sucking on a clean finger or thumb for comfort.
  5. Change the environment: Sometimes a change of scenery can help distract and calm a fussy baby. Take the baby for a walk in a stroller or carry them in a baby carrier. The movement and new surroundings can be stimulating and help shift their focus. The fresh air and gentle motion can have a calming effect on both the baby and the caregiver.
  6. Gentle massage: A gentle massage can be a soothing technique for babies. It promotes relaxation, improves circulation, and can relieve tension or discomfort. Use a baby-friendly oil or lotion and use soft, slow strokes. Pay attention to the baby’s cues and adjust your pressure accordingly. Some babies respond well to specific techniques like rubbing their back, gently massaging their feet, or tracing circles on their tummy.
  7. Dim the lights: Bright lights can be overstimulating for babies, especially when they are feeling fussy or tired. Creating a calm and soothing environment can help them feel secure. Dim the lights in the room or use a soft nightlight to provide a gentle, ambient glow. This can help create a sense of relaxation and signal to the baby that it’s time to wind down.
  8. Sing or hum softly: Your voice can have a magical effect on a fussy baby. Sing or hum a lullaby or any soft, soothing melody. The familiar sound of your voice can provide comfort and reassurance. You can also try playing soft music or nursery rhymes to help

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