Learn How to do a Backflip on a Trampoline

  • Post category:Trampoline
  • Post last modified:March 21, 2022
  • Reading time:9 mins read
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Summer is coming up, and that means backyard barbecues and pool parties! If you’re looking for a new way to wow your friends, consider learning how to do a backflip on a trampoline. At the beginning, it may seem difficult, but you’ll be flipping like a pro in no time with a little practice. I am going to share a few tips to help you get started.

Safety tips for backflip on a trampoline

Before backflipping on the trampoline it’s very important to make to follow the safety tips. Especially if you’re not professional.

  • Wear protective gear: When you’re first learning how to do a backflip, it’s important to wear protective gear, such as a elbow pads and a helmet. This will help reduce the risk of injury if you happen to fall.
  • Start slow: Don’t try to go for the full flip right away. Start by doing small flips and work your way up. This will help you feel more comfortable with the movement and reduce the risk of getting injured.
  • Stay focused: As with any new skill, it’s important to stay focused when flipping on a trampoline. Don’t try to talk or chat with your friends while you’re flipping – focus on what you’re doing and stay present in the moment.

How to do the backflip on a trampoline (step by step)

Doing backflip on a Trampoline featured image

Find someone to support

It’s always helpful to have someone nearby when you’re first learning how to do a backflip. If you feel dizzy or lightheaded, ask a friend or family member to help you.

They should be standing behind you during the flip and ready to catch you if you fall. I remember my husband did this for me and it gave me a ton of confidence to do it.

Warm up your body

Warm up your body is very important for backflips and any physical activity. A few minutes of light cardio should be enough to get your body warmed up and ready for action. Check if the muscles are not to tight. You can also jump around or do some basic flips on the trampoline to get your body moving.

Start in the middle of the trampoline

Once you’re warmed up and have someone there to support you, it’s time to start flipping! Always Stand in the middle of the trampoline with your feet apart.

Start in a squatting position

Squatting is a versatile position that will help you generate enough power for the flip. From here, jump up and tuck your knees into your chest. As you’re flipping, keep your chin down and tuck your head between your knees.

Jump up

To start the flip, jump up into the air and extend your body as far as you can. Keep your arms and legs straight and focus on pushing off with your feet.

Note: You may not get the backflip on the first try – that’s perfectly normal. Just keep practicing and you’ll get it eventually.

Land safely

Once you’ve completed the flip, it’s essential to land safely. Be sure to stand on the trampoline before jumping. Don’t try to jump off right away – you might fall and get hurt.

Stay there for a few seconds to catch your breath and then slowly stand up.

Also watch this backflip on a Trampoline video guideline:

Things you shouldn’t do during a backflip on a trampoline

Now that you know how to do a backflip on a trampoline properly, there are a few things you should avoid doing:

-Don’t try to do a backflip without someone there to support you. This is dangerous and can lead to serious injury if you’re a beginner.

-Don’t do a backflip if you’re not warmed up. This can also lead to injury.

-Don’t try to do a backflip if you’re feeling dizzy or lightheaded. This can also be dangerous and lead to injury.

-Don’t jump off the trampoline right after you land. Stay there for a few seconds to catch your breath and then slowly stand up.

FAQs for backfliping on the trampoline

Can you break your neck doing a backflip on a trampoline?

When you do a flip, there is always a risk of getting hurt especially for kids, but the risk is especially high when you’re flipping on a trampoline.

However, if you follow the proper safety tips that I’ve discussed above then unlikely that you’ll break your neck doing a backflip.

Can I do a backflip on a trampoline without someone to support me?

No, I would not recommend trying to do a backflip on a trampoline without someone there to support you. This is dangerous and can lead you to serious injury.

Is a Frontflip harder than a backflip?

Actually, there is no direct or simple answer to this question. It depends on the person and their level of expertise. However, I would say that a front flip is generally more complicated than a backflip.

Do you need to jump high to backflip?

No, you don’t necessarily need to jump high to backflip. However, it does help if you’re able to generate enough power. I recommend starting in a squatting position and then jumping up into the air.

Can everyone do a backflip?

No, not everyone can do a backflip. It depends on your level of expertise and flexibility. I would recommend practicing for a while before trying to do a backflip.

How do you know if you’re doing a backflip correctly?

The best way to know if you’re doing a backflip correctly is to have someone there to support you. In that way, they can let you know if you’re doing it correctly or not.


By following these tips, you’ll be flipping like a pro! Just remember to take things slowly and focus on what you’re doing. With a bit of practice, you’ll be flipping like a pro! Thanks for reading!

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My name is Bob. I am a young and proud father of two boys. My wife and I do a lot of research before buying baby products and love to share my reviews and suggestions with parents.